
Showing posts from October, 2020

Peck and the "People of the Lie"

  For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie. 2 Thessalonians 2: 11 Scott Peck, found a way to explain this. In the most revealing terms. Simple for us to understand this divine statement. Scott Peck's "People of the Lie" is the contrast to his first best seller, "The Road Less Traveled." The first book deals with goodness and hope, seeking the truth. The second is a look into the dark side of human nature. Peck offers these insights: "Evil is the exercise of power, the imposing of one's will upon others by overt or covert coercion." "The core of evil is ego-centricity, whereby others are sacrificed rather than the ego of the individual." The People of the Lie would rather sacrifice you and me than admit we may be recipients of God's love and grace. Their power would be damaged if they admitted they might have been in error about us, so they will never make such an admission. It seems to me th

It Wasn't Roaring it Was Weeping...

 If you have not heard this tune, I have no idea how you can claim to love music.   I Love the group Black Mambazo.  I have had a love affair with them for more years than I wish to claim. They of course are totally ignorant of my affection.  They are forgiven... for the time being.  Songs in general tell us a story.  They speak of  love and loss, some about days gone by, and some about the bitterness of injustice and in this case apartheid.  Weeping is such a song.   The story according to Wikipedia    Black Mambazo joined with Josh Groban to perform this wonderful piece. And what a combination.  Does it get better? Don't answer that.  So, for those who have not enjoyed this wonderful song, and the story behind it. I bring you WEEPING...enjoy I knew a man who lived in fear It was huge, it was angry It was drawing near Behind his house a secret place Was the shadow of the demon He could never face He built a wall of steel and flame And m