Genes and something we become....

So, my family decided to deep dive into our gene pool.  Me...I had to follow.  Well, no surprises really.  Here is my make up . 

But that is not what got my siblings and I talking.  It was our Neanderthal percentage.  Yes, we actually were vying for the higher percentage of the Neanderthal genetic contribution to our rather sketchy genetic history. 

Yeah...Yippee...I have more Neanderthal DNA than..wait...what????   Well here is what I got for all that extra DNA ...

Blame my hatred of green leafy vegetables on my ancient relatives.  No really...

Who knew?  But here is the point.  The point is the nature nurture argument.  I side with nurture.  I like salty over sweet.  And although I don't eat salad much...I do love a great Greek salad 

The fact is, we are a product of our biology and our upbringing.  And I like the idea...that I have a little of the Neanderthal in me...why?  Because I have a great immune system. Several Neanderthal genes are also involved in the immune system and help us fight harmful viruses and bacteria. So, that means I will beat Covid...and just like so many things in this wild may come down to an ancient relative who beat the odds, living past 40.

And as always with me...a song.  This is one I particularly love. 


Great a great artist. 

And that is all that matters 

Don't know much about you
Don't know who you are
We've been doing fine without you
But, we could only go so far
Don't know why you chose us
Were you watching from above
Is there someone there that knows us
Said we'd give you all our love

Will you laugh just like your mother
Will you sigh like your old man
Will some things skip a generation
Like I've heard they often can
Are you a poet or a dancer
A devil or a clown
Or a strange new combination of
The things we've handed down

I wonder who you'll look like
Will your hair fall down and curl
Will you be a mama's boy
Or daddy's little girl
Will you be a sad reminder
Of what's been lost along the way
Maybe you can help me find her
In the things you do and say

And these things that we have given you
They are not so easily found
But you can thank us later
For the things we've handed down

You may not always be so grateful
For the way that you were made
Some feature of your father's
That you'd gladly sell or trade
And one day you may look at us
And say that you were cursed
But over time that line has been
Extremely well rehearsed
By our fathers, and their fathers
In some old and distant town
From places no one here remembers
Come the things we've handed down

This tune is a story in itself...and I am in the mood for a story. 


The Lass


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