Hatcher pass...a lean-to...and the Northern Lights

 I lived in Palmer Alaska.  I owned a little 1500 sq foot house.  I had an acre of land.  The back side was filled with fireweed and cottonwood trees.  I had a bald eagle that lived in one of the trees, and moose often visited, parked right in my driveway...very rude.  I had a berm that I planted wildflowers on. Alaskan wildflowers are quite beautiful.  Truly, the colors in summer...to die for.  Like this below. ( I am a very visual kind of gal) 👇

The subdivision I lived in had a small float plane lake.  If you are a proper Alaskan, you own a float plane.  I was not proper...I just flew as a passenger on them. 

So, near my home, is a place called Hatcher Pass.  Here is a little video.
Hatcher Pass  Play the video...very nice indeed. 

I lived only 10 minutes from that little piece of heaven.  You cannot trade all the money in the world for that, in my most humble opinion.

Back to my moment.  I know, I know, it is always about me...of course it is.  So, during the winter I used to go to the Pass for breakfast at the Motherlode Lodge 👇

If you liked a good breakfast, that was the place to be...and on a cold winter morning...it was heaven on earth trust me.  I would sit for hours daydreaming. 

Unfortunately it burned down in 2015 

So, one night I decided I wanted to winter camp in the snow. I had never done it before and I wanted this off my bucket list.  I had a lean-to and sleeping bag.  I brought firewood I used for my stove in my house.  I brought a small hibachi for cooking, and the fixings for a breakfast, to include bacon...one must have bacon when camping, and lots of coffee.  I also had eggs, fresh farm eggs...nothing else will do.   

So, off I went for my winter camp.  Now, it also was to be a Northern Lights extravaganza.  Most of the time they are curtains of lime green.  But this night was special.  Made to order for one Lass, named Diana, who was in need of something special.   

I don't know if you have camped.  Camping can make you feel, kind of primal, if you get my meaning.  A lean-to is best shelter, if you are going to winter camp.  The reason is, you place your fire in front of the opening, and it is like a furnace providing the most warmth, and the bonus, you have a vista for viewing the night sky and landscape.  Keep in mind that I was 38 when I did this...I Could not do it now. Or could I???

So, I got all toasty warm in my lean-to, the snow about a foot deep for miles...and then it happened, the show of a lifetime.  The Northern Lights just burst across the sky in a tapestry of colors...not just lime green...Let me see ...like this👇

But in this case...the snow was pristine.  And the lights reflected on the snow...bellissima.  For me, this was a moment that would last a lifetime.  

Whenever I have been in need of experiencing a little joy, when there has been such in short supply...this is where I go. In my mind's eye. 

And as always with me there is a tune. 

Hard Sun- What a tune.

As Always, 

The Lass 


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