李子柒 Liziqi ... YouTube obsessions

I don't know quite how I came across this particular YouTube channel.  Perhaps it was my constant search for perfect recipes.  Or, perhaps some impish YouTube algorithm tech decided that I had to become one of the over 13 million subscribers to this woman's channel. 

So, what am I babbling about?  This 👇

Who is she? 👇

Who is Li Ziqi

According to Professor Ka-Ming Wu, a cultural anthropologist at the Chinese University of Hong Kong: “Li represents a new wave of Chinese soft power in that she’s so creative and aesthetically good, and knows how to appeal to a general audience whether they’re Chinese or not.” And yet, “I don’t think this is some kind of engineered effort by the Chinese state,” she says.

Here is LiZiqi in an interview.  Amazing young woman. 

I watch as she prepares meals that make me want to either move to China...or begin searching the country-side, for a place to begin my own, agricultural splendor. 

She is an entrepreneur. 👇

Shop her site

So, in our chaos filled lives, where we hunt for ripened bananas in a market, this young woman actually goes out to the fields to get her daily food preparation items...and...I am good with that.  

Now, you will want to explore all this Liziqi...and you will find, she is everywhere.  Facebook , Instagram and of course her YouTube Channel

Treat yourself to the wonderful world of LiZiqi, trust me...it will make you a better person.  Ha. Well, at least you will be while you are watching it. 


The Lass 


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