Truffles and mysteries

When someone says, I own a farm.  What does that bring to mind?  Well for me, being from MI, I think of fields of corn, soybean, wheat, or maybe just dairy cows...with chicken coops.  You know what I mean...a farm. Michigan is also known for Christmas Tree farming, but, I really never counted that.  

This kind of farm. 👇

This is a farm.   At least it was until an acquaintance said..."I have a farm".  

I live in Oregon, well I should say I work in Oregon. Not by choice...but by chance.  Indeed, my employer decided that I needed to move to a place I never wanted to move to, nor would I have chosen as a possible final destination.  

But as luck would have it, I have become acquainted with, an interesting person, full of surprises.  Because this man, out of the blue, casually mentioned,  "I own a farm".  Well maybe not those precise words, but you get the point.  So, I of course pulled up the mental image above.  Isn't that nice, he raises cows and chickens.  Some mental gymnastics, but hang in there, it gets better.  What precisely does this acquaintance produce on this farm?  Well...that would be Truffles.  Yes these things. 👇

Those of you who are my friends know, that I cook.  Well, it is an art form.  I keep telling people that food preparation is the most important human endeavor.  I can prove it, and I will...but not now, because I have this Truffle thing going on. 

Interestingly my acquaintance was unaware that he was talking to a person, who actually has purchased Truffles for some great recipes. Truffles, are quite pricey.  I am not talking a little pricey, but crazy, who would pay that?... pricey. 

I know...what did I tell you...Pricey! 

Trust me, I have spent some foolish hard earned dollars on this FUNGUS!  Yes, my uniformed, readers, a  FUNGUS.  To my scientist friends Pezizomycetes class Pezizales order.  But a fungus all the same. 

Indeed, I have actually paid $200.00 on a small, piece of this gastronomic delight.  Me, yes, the conservative gal, who thinks Starbucks is elitist coffee.  Indeed that same gal, has spent some serious coin, on these ancient culinary delights. 

Now, why would I do that?  Because, like I said, I cook, and  when in Rome...yes indeed my Truffle ignorant friends, the Romans used Truffles.  I like that fact, because my favorite recipe comes from Tuscany...indeed it does. I love this guy.  If I ever get to Tuscany, I am looking him up...just to say hello. 


"It is so angelic,  I could actually cry"  

Now...for the Mystery.  There is a Mystery.   Truffles Mystery  I never disappoint. 

Wait, there is more. So, my acquaintance shared his love of dogs, and you guessed it, there are dogs involved. Indeed.   Pigs used to be used to find the tuber...but it turns out that pigs, being pigs, ate the darn things. So, you can imagine, that this delicacy being worth well, more than I earn in a week...needed another means of sniffing them out. 

I give you:  

Yes, the absolutely cutest fungus sniffing expert dogs in the world!  

As to Oregon and Truffles, well you Truffle novices...Truffles Galore. 

I could go on and on and on.  So, what does a Truffle farm look like?  This 👇

Geyserville, Hazel Nut farm 

Risky business this Truffle farming 

Oh, and this made my heart go pitter-pat.  A real deal nuclear scientist...loves of all things fungi, that spells Truffles in Diana's world .  I give you  Dr. Charles Lefevre 

 Now that I have educated you all on the Truffle, I have decided I will treat my hungry associates with my Tuscan Linguine recipe when I return and they will say...Can you put a little more Parmesan on that please?... Ugh...the brigands. 


The Lass 

Oh...and as for my acquaintance, well he helped me realize that although Oregon may not be my home by choice... it may grow on me or I will move to Tonga...and live in a grass hut.  


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