A State...A governor...The ungovernable


There is a crisis in California...people accept chaos and crisis
and THAT is the crisis

Endemic corruption and political inertia at a local level make it easy for companies to flout regulations with impunity. It makes it easy for people to be resigned to some fatal view that nothing can be done to change it.  

There was a recall election in California on 09/14/21.  The purpose was to provide a means to change course from an incompetent, corrupt government to one of healing and recovery.  Could Californian's reverse the current  trajectory from languishing in the black hole of leadership incompetence to a path  of sustainable growth and prosperity.  But, human beings seem to like the devil they know and thus sometimes, choose the hell of their own making. 

There were obstacles to this change...but none more than a citizenry that relies on government for all life decisions.  Citizens who are not taught self reliance, or independence.  Those who derive their entire existence from the pitiful actions of a few, and whose fidelity to these elite controllers, results in their own loss of prosperity and personal freedom.  They live off the paralyzing fears of the many...and flout the courage of the few to challenge their hold on their lives. 

I am not inclined to get into the weeds of what happened in this election cycle...but it is evident, that we are a nation that has become, weak, complacent, and easily trapped in our tribal desires. We seek the small  nothingness of issues unrelated to the common good and  reward those passing out the goodies we have become used to. 

Is change necessary? Yes...but will it come?  The agents of collectivism...the activists who want to fiddle around...and have enjoyed the results of that fiddling around will fight hard to keep their poisoned fruit. They will fight any movement to positive and constructive change, that will diminish their hold on power. 

There will be the groups who hang on to their precious pronouns...and their fear of nature and the risk it will take to move their mountain of apathy and laziness. They have been groomed to be transactional in their decision making...and if they don't see a "whats in if for me"...they will reject any move to change the status quo...even if it means the continued degrading of their lifestyles. Why?  They are the frog in the pot...not sensing their imminent demise.  So...California is a failure in governance and life...but hey...the governed are ungovernable anyway as they steal, kill and destroy each other, one needle at a time. So they get to fail epically...and that is apparently what they want in great numbers. 

Just some of the problems...there are so many more: 

  • California's  water system remains essentially is as it was in the 1960s. As for its roads, a recent headline declared that “California’s roads are some of the poorest in the nation and rapidly getting worse.”
  • California also is among the highest taxed states in the nation.  California has the highest income tax rates.  The top rate is 13.3%. The next closest top tax rate is in Oregon at 9.9%.  However, Oregon does not have a sales tax. California has the 10th highest sales taxOn the other hand, for more than a decade, less than 150,000 of California’s 35+ million people pay half of all of its income tax – a highly imbalanced system.
  • Also, California’s middle class has been hollowed.  Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers."  Where are they going? Many have left for low tax states offering more jobs than California. They have been replaced by those taking advantage of California’s magnet government policies, which increase California’s long-term spending needs. For those that remain, California has the highest debt to income ratio in the country. 

and always with me...a tune:  A celebration or a lament.  You choose

My sister and nieces live in California...I hope for their sake...their fellow citizens rise to the occasion next fall, and throw the bums out.  I am not optimistic. 


The Lass 


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